2012 post-thanksgiving soup and bread.jpg

Thanksgiving for us has historically been packed with family. So every year, we throw a Post-Thanksgiving Party on the Friday evening following Thanksgiving wherein we blow off steam and swap leftovers with friends. To fill in the leftover gaps, we always make two soups, two loaves of crusty bread, and two other brunch-friendly pastry-type items designed to feed a crowd.

This year, we were so enamored with our Thanksgiving strudel--and admittedly, we had plenty of filling leftover (and leftovers is some of what this party's about, after all) after making the first--we decided to roll with that for the party, too. We made one spinach-sage, and the other mushroom-thyme.

Soups this year were both from Moosewood Daily Special: Spiced Mexican Squash Stew (pictured in the rear) and our personal new favorite comfort food, Egyptian Red Lentil Soup.
